door lauralisa | 11-02-2023 | magazine design
Medal nomination content pages SPD, New York Big nomination, category “design not feature (singles/spreads: multiple issues)”. These are the content-pages of Volkskrant Magazine. Redesigned and art direction by me. Each issue carries a different design, each week....
door lauralisa | 29-10-2021 | cover design
artwork Justin Metz artwork Anna Kiosse photo Eva Roefs Photography Stefan Vanfleteren artwork Paul Faassen design Jaap Biemans Photography Robin de Puy foto Martin Dijkstra artwork Rop van Mierlo artwork...
door lauralisa | 29-10-2021 | cover design
my own favorite list of Beatle songs in the book 🙂
door lauralisa | 29-10-2021 | cover design
artwork Yeye Weller inside cover designed by me, Volkskrant Magazine January 2 2021 Photo Cornellie Tollens Fashion edition about woll Photo Eva Roefs Montage Marco Stoker Artwork Eike Konig photo Eddo Hartman lettering Anna Kiosse...