Poetry book cover
European Newspaper Award
the influence of Volkskrant Magazine on photography and design culture
The King & The Book
that leftie shit mag!
radio 1 interview
party 25 years anniversary Magazine
An afternoon with talks & readers
just designed this new book 25 years Volkskrant Magazine
the celebration cover anniversary Volkskrant Magazine
Volkskrant Magazine, THE book
winning GOLD at SPD New YORK
march 23: 3 nominations medal finalist SPD designers (NYC)
january ’23: Fast Company interview about my barometer for the best cover designs
january ’23: frontpage Volkskrant Magazine
december 2023: X-mas issue Volkskrant Magazine
november ’23: Choose!
november 23: The Coverjunkie Gallery
Interview GQ Spain
June 2023 Silver Award SPD: Best News Cover Design
Thanks Madé!
June 2023: Silver SND award for entire designed issue
2023: thé exhibit wannahave
summer ’23: exhibition
May 2023: What an opening it was 🙂
May 2023: “The Originals” exhibition
May 2023: Fantastic review Parool newspaper about the exhibit
May 2023: The Opening tomorrow
May 2023: Exhibit “The Originals”
May 2023: Coverjunkie exhibit
2023: designed GQ Spain cover
Volkskrant newspaper: interview best designs of 2022
November 2022: AGI talk members
October 7 2022: Interviewing Christoph Amend Zeit Magazin in Amsterdam
August 2022: AIGA talk with NYMag & Edel Rodriguez
May 2022: Awarded Silver Cube ADC (New York)
november 2021: Q&A with ADCN Amsterdam
December 2021: Newspaper feature about best covers 2021
Oktober 2021: designed movie poster
2021: silver award at SPD New York
20/02/21 SPD judging
23/01/21 Designed poster Dutch electionsx
29/12/2020 Q&A Vogue Italia
12/12/20 Designed Beatle Book
04/10/2020 Trump as covermodel 2020
18/05/20 online event MagCulture
D&AD Pencil!
01/04/20 Speaking at Mag Inspiration Day
01/03/20 me & the cover
11/02/20 David Carson meet up
01/01/2020 clip about awarded Mercur d’Or
01/01/2020 list most inspirational people 2019
31/12/19 Coverjunkie in Volkskrant
15/12/19 Mercur d’Or oeuvre award
11/10/19 soccer photo series Hard Gras
20/09/19 Talk about creativity & covers ADCN
27/08/19 MagCulture meets Coverjunkie
25/08/19 One day event Menu Royale
01/08/19 me & my espresso machine
05/05/19 big feature in Volkskrant about winning gold at SPD
05/05/19 Gold Medal SPD, New York
03/04/19 winning three Merit Awards SPD, New York
4/3/2019 newspaper design
6/2/2019: Dutch Masters
30/12/18 Glam movie about winning Cover of the Year 2018
Glam movie about winning Cover of the Year 2018 I took the glam but should be for the ten designers who created these incredible ten covers
30/12/18 feature best covers newspaper Volkskrant
20/12/18 winning Best Cover Of The Year, 2018
17/11/18 Judging Stack Awards
23/08/18 cover design novel Nouri
17/04/18 winning 3th Silver Lamp ADCN
17/04/18 winning ADCN Lamp
17/04/18 3th ADCN Lamp
16/04/18 1 hour nationwide radio interview; Kunststof
16/04/18 live interview Kunststof Radio
15/04/18 10 covers designed by legends
design Ewoudt Boonstra & Anthony Burrill design Jaap Biemans lettering Anna Kiosse Een magazine, tien heel bijzondere covers design Paul Faassen design George Lois design Wim Crouwel design Rodrigo Sanchez design Richard Turley artwork Justin Metz design Erik...
15/04/18 AIGA shout-out Design issue
15/04/18 SPD star the 10 design covers
28/02/18 meet up David Carson
26/02/18 interview by Volkskrant about the stamps
23/02/18 new column WOTH mag
18/02/18 designing postal stamps
05/12/17 interview Volkskrant newspaper
20/09/17 teaser Folks interview
14/09/17 Interviewed about my life as a designer
14/09/17 little movie to go with the interview
01/07/17 podcast interview Bladendokter
04/05/17 winning 4 Merit Awards SPD , New York
winning 4 Merit Awards at SPD 52 New York - Best Design Cover - Design entire issue - Best illustrated cover - Best illustrated cover
28/04/17 designing elements newspaper
08/03/17 podcast interview with Stack
05/02/2017 writing column WOTH mag
04/01/2017 movie about talent & Mercurs
17/12/16 it’s news!
15/12/2016 Winning Artdirector of the Year
just won Mercur Award for Artdirector of the Year: here me and my team: on the right ace editor-in-chief Corinne van Duin, on my right photo-editor Heike Gulker, second right designer Melissa Peen and next to me in the middle Karin van Gilst, who gave me my first...
15/12/2016 Winning Mercur Award; ArtDirector of the Year
01/12/2016 interview Fontanel about design, news & internet
23/11/2016 nomination Mercur Award
17/11/2016 judging Stack Awards London
07/11/2016 feature Volkskrant newspaper about best Trump covers
11/05/16 spread designed for Lollipop mag (NY)
10/09/16 writing column in new design mag
10/09/16 writing column in new design mag
31/05/16 talkshow about design
24/05/16 winning SPD award, NY
11/05/16 spread designed for Lollipop mag (NY)
23/04/16 THAT cover
23/04/16 my interior featured in Volkskrant Magazine
23/04/16 SPD annual is out
12/04/16 winning 2 ADCN awards
12/04/16 winning 2 ADCN awards
17/03/16 me & a big design book
17/03/16 on the cover
25/02/16 speaking QVED, Munich
11/02/16 judging ADCN awards
11/11/15 talkshow about design
6/11/15 speaking with Luis Mendo
22/10/15 Meeting Coverjunkie Christoph Amend
21/7/15 interview Coverjunkie Germany
21/7/15 Coverjunkie in Germany
27/5/15 thats’s 50.000 coverjunkie’s!
23/5/15 Coverjunkie talk at DesignBridge
01/5/15 winning silver award at SPD New York
01/05/15 nomination Cover Year NYC
29/4/15 nomination SPD best news cover
29/4/15 SPD cover of the year
22/3/15 choosen in list ‘most influential magazine
07/03/15 live The Stack radio show London
28/2/15 Recap QVED Munich
25/2/15 Coverjunkie speaking Munich
30/10/14 designed the O in a new alphabeth
28/5/14 winning D&AD award
27/5/14 meeting Andy Rementer
22/5/14 winning Prix de Coeuvre (again) 😀
25/3/14 Judging D&AD awards London
20/3/14 Coverjunkie & Turley in Amsterdam
7/1/14 coverjunkie in Poland
3/1/14 Coverjunkie in Australia
17/11/13 recap Louisville SND
17/11/13 recap SND Louisville
30/10/13 enjoying a break
24/10/13 Speaking SND Louisville USA
22/10/13 China & Coverjunkie
17/10/13 recap SND Louisville
27/9/13 interview De Morgen newspaper, Belgium
27/9/13 interview De Morgen newspaper (Belgium)
15/08/13 Coverjunkie Bobbie Juul is born
15/08/13 My best work so far! 😀 i just became a dad of beautiful Bobbie Juul Biemans <3 Not a lot of posts this week but have some good ones saved last week, they’re coming up soon! Talk later everybody!
01/05/2013 Monocle podcast The Stack
Yay my first appearance on The Stack; the best radio show about design. Nervous here 🙂 Listen back
22/5/13 MoMA PS1 NYC
22/5/13 MoMA PS1 NYC All smiles here; THE COVERJUNKIE MAGAZINE now available in the collection of bookstore MoMA PS1 museum, Brooklyn, New York MoMA | Affiliation with MoMA PS1
29/4/13 interview MagCulture
29/4/13 interview with ace MagCulture You ALL know the MAGCULTURE blog i think, if not…. you GOTTO check it, always the latest news about magazines, great stuff! Sweet to be featured ace MagCulture: At Work With: Jaap Biemans, CoverJunkie – magCulture
5/2/13 Q&A coverjunkie Bob Newman
5/2/13 Q&A coverjunkie Bob Newman This was fun… read here a little interview with me together with mag guru Bob Newman
22/10/12 The Coverjunkie exhibit!
22/10/12 The Coverjunkie exhibit! Impression of the Coverjunkie exhibit at Dutch Design Week, at restaurant Radio Royaal, Eindhoven
19/10/12 The Coverjunkie exhibit
19/10/12 The Coverjunkie exhibit Coverjunkie is gonna show up during the Dutch Design Week with some big cover designs taken out of the Coverjunkie Magazine Everybody fly over, there’s gonna be vinyl, espresso, chesterfields and covers covers covers in the most fab...
4/10/2012 meeting Noma Bar
4/10/2012 meeting Noma Bar Artist Noma Bar finally having his own show in Amsterdam, special guy, one of my favorites to work with. See here his covers on Coverjunkie.com
25/7/12 silver SPD award New York
25/7/12 silver SPD award for Coverjunkie Magazine The SPD award is THE biggest one to win if you ask me. Lots of people out of the bizz are judging and discussing each entry. THE most thrilling moment for me in 2012 was winning the silver award SMALL MAGS / SELF...
25/7/12 winning Prix de C’oeuvre
25/7/12 winner Prix de C’oeuvre I’m on holiday now so time to take a look back at the winner of this years PRIX DE C’OEUVRE and this was indeed a very humble experience for me personally. The big winner was Intermediair magazine for its entire catalog of cover designs...
1/6/12 Mister Turley & Mister Leslie & Mister Biemans
1/6/12 Mister Turley & Mister Leslie & Mister Biemans Yesterday there was this big event; The National Cover Event 2012 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. I enjoyed listening to a jam-packed programme and did a little talk myself. Afterwards good times with with ace...
30/5/12 interview NRC newspaper
30/5/12 interview NRC newspaper read here
14/5/12 winning SPD award
14/5/12 winning SPD award Can i handle this? I just won the silver SPD (Society of Publication Designers) award in the categorie independent magazines, a humble experience. It started as a fun project and now its winning this prestigious award among other fantastic...
14/5/12 SPD awards show NYC
14/5/12 SPD awards show NYC An unforgettable magazine weekend! I attended the SPD award gala and it was so ace! Great to meet all the creative designers behind the fab mags from all around the world. Such a good vibe. This year the Gold Award winner for MAGAZINE OF...
9/5/12 three days to go
9/5/12 3 days to go Wooha, is The Coverjunkie Magazine going to win a SPD award? It started as a fun project and now it’s nominated for the prestigious SPD AWARDS Print Medal Finalists in categorie ‘Self Published.’ (yes you heared it right!!!) Read here some reviews...
22/4/12 Coverjunkie & Facing Pages
Here my interview on camera An ace magazine about independent magazines… the Facing Pages Festival: a three-day event (formerly O.K. Festival) that brings independent magazine makers and aficionados to Arnhem. The event itself takes on the form of a magazine, and...
27/12/11 coverjunkie & huffington
Sweet cooperation on The Huffington Post. Cause its that time of the year! Pick the 3 most creative covers in The Best Magazine Covers Of 2011
15/2/12 whats your fav mag?
“This issue has already been stolen from my office.” A big smile from behind my laptop when i read about the favorite magazine from Fast Company’s Design Director Florian Bachleda; he picked the Coverjunkie Magazine as his favorite on the great SPD website! Thanks...
13/2/12 mag design heaven New York
This was the best weekend ever! Spend 3 days judging the SPD awards in New York. All the good design stuff was there, and above all; the nicest people around. Upper left, the co-chairs: Left: Jeremy Leslie, MagCulture (and thanks for stealing your pic upper right 🙂...
9/2/12 meeting mister Lois
What a giant! I just spended some time with George Lois in his stylish apartment in the Union Square neighboorhood. Im all smiles! We talked about NBA basketball, european soccer and magazine design off course. Cause he was part of the Coverjunkie Magazine i gave him...
18/1/12 reviews Coverjunkie magazine
reviews Coverjunkie magazine Designing, writing & publishing Coverjunkie Magazine
29/12/11 The new york times reviews Coverjunkie
Coverjunkie Magazine – The New York Times – The 6th Floor A review on THE NEW YORK TIMES. This blog is always worthwile checking; “The 6th Floor, where staff members, editors, designers, writers, photo editors and researchers , share ideas, arguments, curiosities and...
27/12/11 Coverjunkie & Magculture
MagCulture is one of the most ace blogs in magazine country (go check that site!), and here theyre reviewing Coverjunkie Magazine… woopi! Coverjunkie Mag is an independent mag and just realeased. A must read for all you cover lovers. 96 pages jam-packed with the best...
27/12/11 Coverjunkie the movie
see here: Coverjunkie Magazine – YouTube
27/12/11 the Coverjunkie Magazine
A lot of people dont know Coverjunkie published its own independent magazine… it won an SPD award in the category “design independent mags” and is for sale at the MoMA PS1 museum bookstore, Brooklyn, New York (or drop me a line) For me this was the hottest thing ever,...
7/12/11 some ink
Hot off the press! 🙂 I just came back from the printer, see pics other post. Fab feeling to see all the white paper lined up and looking for ink. A great read for all you design lovers out there. All ready in pre order, pretty exciting 96 (!) pages jam-packed with the...
6/12/11 The Coverjunkie Mag hot off the press
I just came back from the printers, see pics. Fab feeling seeing all those pieces of paper lined up and ready to go for some ink. A great read for all you cover lovers out there. And in pre order here, excitement! 96 (!) pages jam-packed with the best covers and...
5/12/11 stress about the Coverjunkie Magazine
My room is a mess, working day and night on the deadline The Coverjunkie Magazine. Sorry about not posting for a couple of days now. Deadline is right now. Tomorrow to the printer; this is gonna be good… a sweet holiday present anyone?
27/7/11 Coverjunkie cover
Wooha, a bit much to handle 🙂 Photographed as the Coverjunkie logo on new cover Villamedia: magazine for journalists and media professionals, read here the interview Photography by the brilliant Martin Dijkstra Fotografie
17/08/10 kick-off Coverjunkie website
Yep i did it! Coverjunkie celebrates creative magazine covers ..